OpenWire Studio is a graphical and data flow codeless development and execution environment that contains the powerful stream processing technology that we have been perfecting for over a decade. No other software compilers or IDEs are...

Ultimate++ is a C++ cross-platform rapid application development suite focused on programmers productivity. It includes a set of libraries (GUI, SQL), and an integrated development environment. Ultimate++ is suggested for programmers who would like to...

CrystalReportResizer can do the following things. - A report object of an existing file, you can freely resize to the specified size. - Report object fonts, automatically resize together. - It can be specified section. - It can be changed at once...

Code Visualizer makes C++ source code to visual based diagram. Code Visualizer helps you to understand elements of C++ source code. Code Visualizer shows C++ elements such as class, struct, template, and function to visual based diagrams. Code Visualizer...

The Relsoft DLL Compiler is a program that allows Visual Basic to create real, native, C-styled DLLs. It doesn't change a single file on your computer. It automatically integrates into Visual Basic, and only when you enable it with a single click. You...