
Geany 1.25 updated

Geany is an open source piece of software that provides users with a lightweight and easy to use IDE (Integrated Development Environment) and programmer's text editor utility for the GNU/Linux platform. Features at a glance Key features include...


MARS 3.6

MARS stands for MIPS Assembler and Runtime Simulator and is a lightweight interactive development environment (IDE) for programming in MIPS assembly language, intended for educational-level use with Patterson and Hennessy's Computer Organization...

Anjuta Extras

Anjuta Extras 3.26.0 updated

Anjuta Extras contains various plugins for Anjuta IDE.Anjuta is an open source and versatile IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for C and C++ in GNU/Linux. Anjuta IDE has been written for GTK/GNOME, and features a number of advanced programming...


4DIAC 1.7.3 / 1.8 Milestone 1 updated

4DIAC (Framework for Distributed Industrial Automation and Control) is an open source and freely distributed framework specially designed for distributed industrial control and automation. It provides a free IEC 61499-compliant basis that permits creation...

OpenCobol IDE

OpenCobol IDE 1.1.0 / 2.0 Beta 1

OpenCobol IDE is an open source and simple IDE (Integrated Development Environment) specially designed for Cobol and based on OpenCobol (cobc).OpenCobol IDE (cobcide) is a cross-platform application written in Python with PCEF and PySide. It supports both...


ggcov 0.8

ggcov project is a GTK+ GUI for exploring test coverage data produced by C and C++ programs compiled with gcc -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage. So it's basically a GUI replacement for the gcov program that comes with gcc.Please note: ggcov is not a frontend...

Writer's Cafe is a software toolkit for all fiction writers, whether experienced or just starting out. The heart of Writer's Cafe is StoryLines, a powerful but simple to use story development tool that dramatically accelerates the creation and structuring...


a8 0.11

a8 is an IDE, successor/crossdresser/confessor/depressor to the PIDA IDE. An ultra-lightweight IDE, that embeds Vim, a terminal emulator, and a file browser and makes them work...


PiKdev 0.8.4

PiKdev project is a simple graphic IDE for the development of PIC-based applications. PiKdev is developed in C++ under Linux and is based on the KDE environment.Click here to have informations about the latest version.Here are some key features of...

GNOME Builder

GNOME Builder 3.28.4 / 3.30.0 Beta 2 updated

GNOME Builder is a completely free, next-generation, feature-rich and open source graphical application designed from the offset to act as an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the GNOME desktop environment. It is tailored specifically for...