Professional Toolbar Icon Set provides 644 professionally designed icons which are ideal for use on websites or applications. They deliver a great look and feel to any site, but they are ready out of the box for busy web designers looking for icons but...

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Add professionally designed toolbar icons to your software projects. Program Toolbar Icon Set is readily available, royalty-free images of objects, actions and symbols that are commonly used in software toolbars. Over two hundred of slick images available...

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Sometimes, the best icons can seem to go unnoticed by users, as their intuitive connection with a certain function or option makes for a fluid user experience. Our generic stock toolbar icon set easily achieves these goals, yet the smooth styling and...

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Design professional looking ribbon-based interfaces with Ribbon Bar Icon Set! This huge library of ready-made icons includes 758 unique stock images in countless variations to accommodate the many sizes, color resolutions, and activities of the ribbon...

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Design slick and professional education or engineering software or web pages better and easier with a comprehensive collection of scientific icons. Science Toolbar Icon Set depicts common objects and symbols used in various fields of education, science...

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Seanau Icon Set is the world's number one premium royalty-free stock icon pack, includes more than 45000 professional high quality icons. All icons are carefully designed and prefect for software applications, iOS/Android applications, Web-sites, GUI...

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Seanau Icon Set is the world's #1 royalty-free stock icon pack, includes more than 7,000 professional high quality icons, instant download and use. All icons are carefully designed, and prefect for software application, websites, iOS/Android mobile...

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Search Icons

Search Icons 2012.1

All the icons from Search Icon Library are carefully created pixel by pixel by the hand of a professional artist. They shine with a bright palette of colors, smooth and well-rounded edges. Superb in their quality, icons will help a developer to place a...

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Security Icon Set is a collection of free icons to pay copyright for use in commercial and personal products, including software, websites, blogs and presentations. Professional artists have created these icons hand, pixel by pixel. They have a bright...

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If your new product has anything to do with computer protection of any type - from viruses and other malware to network attacks - you must realize that your audience will be very broad. Professionals will quickly find the right functions and commands from...

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