Elementary Sky Blue is an open source icon theme specially created for the Elementary Linux operating system. It is based on the OSX-Nostalgie and Ubuntu Style icon sets.How to install?For detailed installation instructions please see the following...

OSX-Nostalgie is an open source icon theme specially designed for users of the GNOME desktop environment who want an Apple Mac OS X look-a-like icon set.How to install?For detailed installation instructions please see the following...

Ubudao Style

Ubudao Style 1.4.5

Ubudao Style is an open source and universal icon theme for the XFCE, KDE, LXDE and GNOME based Linux distributions. It can be installed in Ubuntu, Debian, Linux Mint or Elementary OS.How to install?For detailed installation instructions please see the...

Wine Blue Remix is an open source icon theme specially designed for the GNOME desktop environment and for Wine users in Ubuntu.Wine Blue Remix is based on popular folder-icons from Rhor and the Ubuntu Style and Elementary Sky-Blue icon sets created...