
fs.js 0.1

fs.js allows easier manipulation of the API's techniques and methods from Node.js.Supported methods cover areas for file and directory reading, deleting, renaming and querying.Requirements:Node.js 0.6.10 or...

HTML Tools

HTML Tools 0.0.3

HTML Tools is not for DOM manipulation, but for manipulating DOM strings.Works with client-side (browsers) and server-side (Node.js) environments. Also comes with AMD compliance.Basic usage:This:html.enclose(string, 'tag');Will...


DOMPDF 0.6.0 beta3

This is a (mostly) CSS2.1 compliant HTML layout and rendering engine written in PHP.It is a style-driven renderer: it will download and read external stylesheets, inline style tags, and the style attributes of individual HTML elements. It also supports...

HTML5  Ruler can be used to measure content displayed on a Web page or to measure real-life objects by placing them over the screen.The ruler works in the EU and US metric system (centimeters and inches) and can be easily be calibrated to reflect a...

jQuery createHtml allows developers to insert HTML code in a page's DOM via simple jQuery syntax.While this feature is available in the jQuery core as well, jQuery createHtml simplifies syntax and reduces development time.Usage instructions are included...

The jBinder jQuery plugin allows developers to attach custom JavaScript functions to desired DOM elements.The function is attached to the element via an HTML5 data attribute.The function can then be triggerd on page load or on click or hover.Examples and...

MotionDetector.js uses the HTML5 getUserMedia API to detect moving objects via a webcam feed or other media input.The library basically works by comparing successive frames for changes in color and object placement.Usage instructions are included with the...