
html5Widgets v. 1.2

It works with Modernizr and webforms2, implementing a subset of HTML5 forms specifications in browsers that don't support it yet.Features:Ease the markup learning curve W3C standards compliant Mobile support What is new in this release:Implemented oninput...


Slippy 1.0.0

Add content to different slides and access the web page provided in the downloadable example.Content is automatically centered, the plugin creating a slide indexon the fly.Features:Keyboard shortcuts: Navigation: [Left]/[Right] arrows to move, [Space] or...


Arbiter 0.0.2

It is not complete as similar tools, but unlike other HTML 5 History API JS wrappers, Arbitrer is also Ender compatible.Usage instructions are provided with the package's README file.Requirements:JavaScript enabled on client...


Box.js 0.2.0

It's basically a wrapper around the localStorage API. Comes with fallbacks for older browsers.Heavily inspired by Marcus Westin's Store.js.Usage instructions are included in the package's README file.Requirements:1-2 Ghz processor (x86) 1-2 GB memory 4 GB...


Haml.js 0.4.3

HAML is a markup language written for Ruby as a HTML-outputting template engine.While Ruby may not be available, or even may not be the first choice of many Web developers, this library provides a way to use HAML, while working with Node.js.So it simply...

JSONFormatter.js takes a raw JSON stream and renders it as a pretty-printed HTML list.If too big, the list can optionally be collapsed to save space on the page.Small +/- icons will be added to JSON data nodes, letting the user know he can expand and...

Started out as a simple HTML parser for Node.js, the NodeHtmlParser module has evolved into a fully working RSS and XML parser as well.NodeHtmlParser recently added support for client-side environments, allowing the library to be called and used inside...


eLyXer 1.2.5

LyX is a wonderful text editor which produces beautiful PDF files. Internally it exports documents to LaTeX, and from there to PDF.It can convert documents generated with LyX versions from 1.5.5 to 1.6.2 into valid HTML pages.The output requires XHTML,...

Self-Storage JS can save commonly used JavaScript files, libraries and plugins to the user's localStorage, a place where usually smaller things go to get stored.When localStorage concepts have been first put to paper, everybody wanted a local database to...