Free Life Chart Software for genealogy and family history. Chart the key events in your life or the life of a loved one who has passed away. Charts are very easy to create and can be exported as Jpeg or and excel file - perfect for sharing with family and...

Disc Collection is a user-friendly application created to manage home multimedia collections. It works on Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. With the help of Disc Collection you can browse the contents your collections, create notes, view file...

Almost anything may be cataloged for easy retrieval. Appliances, equipment and collections. With the ability to link web addresses, documents, videos, images and sound files to an item the circle is complete. for example: Catalog: House Furnishing;...


Organized 1.1

Organized is a home inventory and Organization windows application. Whether you're trying to get a handle on a storage area or need to create a home inventory, Organized will help you accomplish your goal. Organized stores the information entered into a...

MovieLibrary has a search facility that allows to search on the key fields for movies (title, actors, director, year and genre) as well as on a predefined set of flags (New, Watched, Watch Soon and Don't Watch) as well as user-defined flags that you...


myHomeFiling 4.1.1

The amount of paper that comes through the average letter box is staggering. Bills for this, statements for that, notice for this, another bill for that. Its an endless bombardment of paper, but where can the average household store all of this and find...


PowerDREAM 2.0.8

Software designed to catalogue dreams, with search, print, report and chronological data features. It features and benefits are automatically catalogue dreams, browse and search dreams by owner, date, content, and so on, and power dream software manages a...


HomeGenie 1.2

HomeGenie is a Home Inventory and Organizer program providing a plan of your home and a digital and photo inventory of all your items for insurance purposes. You can setup the software to record any information you wish to store about them. Utilising its...


ExaTrack 1.5

Software for the control of vehicles maintenance. This software allow you to register all information about your cars fleet. You can register vehicle data, vehicle maintenance, insurance, drivers, travels, expenses, fuel consumptions, tickets, accidents,...