A massive cookbook of healthy Dog Food Recipes including ingredients & directions. The I-Love-Dogs.com Dog Food Recipes Cookbook has over 60 dog food & treat recipes listed so you can explore, learn and cook. Very relavent with the latest pet food scare....


Ez OFF 5.3.4

Parental control software that helps you to control your children or employee Computer Time. It will auto shutdown, reboot, lock or hibernate computer and will keep your PC locked for as long as you schedule it. Allows to create separate schedule for each...


i-Recipes 2004.0.3

i-Recipes is easy-to-use Recipe Managment Software. i-Recipes allows you to directly import recipes from our online recipe resource, with only one click. Add a unlimited number of recipes and recipe books. Directly search our online recipe resource for...


NameSpire 1.2

NameSpire is an entertaining and distinctive name-ranking and charting software application. NameSpire lets you easily peruse the most popular names, including origin and meaning, in the United States as determined by the Social Security Administration....

Web based recipe management. This software enables you to manage all your recipes with ease. Adding, editing, printing, and searching recipes is simple and fast. You can make your own e-book. Features: Web Based; Add/Remove Recipe Category; Add/Remove...

In this software educational game, the locations of the 48 contiguous states are taught in an interactive fashion. The user drags each state with the mouse to its proper location, using a jigsaw-puzzle metaphor. Identifying the state is also part of the...