
Fontlinge 2.0.1

Fontlinge project is a font management and organisation for TrueType & PostScript.Fontlinge searches for font files, sorts them into folders by name and look and with human readable names, stores gathered font information in a database, generates previews...

Antennavis is a OpenGL antenna visualisation toolkit for nec2.This software was written by Kenneth E. Harker, WM5R in 1998. I liked the 3D images of the presented antenna patterns on Kenneth's web-site so much that I have put some effort into creating a...


Xrmap 2.33

Xrmap is a program running under X that can interactively display portions of the Earth, using the huge CIA world vector map.The Xrmap program provides a user-friendly X client for generating images of the Earth and manipulating the CIA World data bank II...


FractalEye 1.0.1

FractalEye is a height map generation by fractal formulas and perlin noise. Heights are delivered by a fractal formula or DEM data and shown in different colors according to a gradient. In later versions an OpenGL 3D view would be nice.More or less...

Opcion Font Viewer is a free font viewer written in Java that allows you to view both installed and uninstalled TrueType fonts on Windows, Linux, Unix or Mac.The main focus of Opcion is to allow you to view your uninstalled fonts so that you install only...


bitedit 0.9.4

bitedit is a simple ncurses program for editing a file. It allows you to directly edit of the individual bits of a binary file in a graphical fashion. It is useful for editing bitmap font...