
Roundabout 2.4.2

This was built as an image slider, but soon evolved into an animation plugin for JavaScript.It will rotate nested elements in a carousel like motion.What is new in this release:Addressed jQuery easing bug again. What is new in version 2.4.1:Fixed issue...


imgAreaSelect 0.9.10 / 0.9.11-rc.1

Can be used in image processing applications for cropping or adding notes to a small area.The callback functions (onSelectStart, onSelectChange, and onSelectEnd) are passed two arguments.First argument is a reference to the image, the second is an object...

PyResizeImage is not a fully graphics toolkit, but a simple Python module to manipulate regular images in various ways.It can resize and even add padding to existing images using a simple, Python specific syntax.All resized images are saved/converted to...


onImagesLoad 1.2.2

onImagesLoad basically works by triggering a JavaScript callback function whenever images have loaded.This callback can be triggered when:- all the images have been loaded- when all the images inside a selector have been loaded- when one specific image...

jQuery Cover

jQuery Cover 1.0.0

The CSS 3 "background-size: cover" property will take an image and display it on the page's background, filling in the entire screen, without leaving any kind of whitespace.As the browser is resized, so is the image, making sure it always covers the...

k-description is a jQuery plugin that gives JS developers more control over image captions.The plugin allows them to pass the caption settings via JS code and avoid cramming up the site's HTML with useless data.Developers can control various settings like...