PS Hand Watcher

PS Hand Watcher

PS Hand Watcher checks the cards dealt to the Texas Hold'em tables of PokerStars to which you are logged in, reporting in Panels that are positioned within the various gaming tables the value of your hand, as well as other data, as shown in the below...

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PS Mate

PS Mate

PS Mate adds several features to the PokerStars hotkeys, like an enhanced mouse gameplay, a tables autoresize utility, quick sit hotkeys and some others. Supports until 30 game tables open at the same time Works in any available language should be...

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PS Never SitOut

PS Never SitOut

PS Never Sitout is a utility which helps you to not to go into Sit Out while playing on multiple tables at PokerStars. For this purpose the program provides, if the options are selected: To press automatically the Time Bank button, giving you more...

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PS Wins Viewer

PS Wins Viewer

PS Wins Viewer is an utilty that displays your winnings (and other selectable data) at the PokerStars game tables in little Panels positioned within the gaming tables themselves. The available items are: Label of won money on every single table...

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Razer Cortex

Razer Cortex updated

With Razer Cortex: Game Booster, unlock your systems full potential with a variety of performance enhancing and optimization tools for higher frames per second, or cut down on draggy load times. Whether you choose automated mode or to manually...

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Game Booster aims to get the most out of your system, changing the settings so it can run games better. Not all of us can afford an optimized gaming PC, and use one system for everything from surfing the internet, listening to music to playing games. As...

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With the new RedClaw 2D RPG Engine it's possible to create your own RP Game with no programming experience. As Scriptlanguage we use the new and easy RedClaw Script (*.rcs). In the Package is an Documentation in german too. An english one follow. Please...

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This item when used opens up a GUI of every recipe that can be done. The items can not be touched, but you can read tool tip. Left click moves to next recipe. Right click moves to previous recipe. The recipe for recipe book is 1 book, 1 ink sac. It's a...

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Reinstall DirectX EZ

Reinstall DirectX EZ 6.5 updated

DirectX Toolkit is a comprehensive DirectX tool for video game players. DirectX problem is not a common problem to most Windows users. But if you have met a fatal DirectX error, you could hardly get it solved by game reinstallation or system reboot....

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Remotr 1.0.932 updated

Remotr is the best way to stream any computer games directly to your Android phone or tablet, anywhere, any time. Play Diablo 3, League of Legends, GTA V, World of Tanks and many more on your tablet, smartphone or TV. With Remotr you can access and play...

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