Table Hockey Tournament is a simple application to schedule the table hockey match. Schedule the players with different table, timings, and opponents. You can also update score or results which directly update the point table with win, loss, tie, and...

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GameX devel is a simple application to compile games built in many languages. It can compile files of C, C++, VC++, SDL, and OPENGL languages. Features include pre-built SDL Libraries and support for SDL and Opengl DLL...

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Graphically design your Second Life scripts, and have the MiceOnABeam Visual Scripting Tool automatically generate most of the Linden Scripting Language (LSL) programming code for you. For those new to scripting and Second Life, MiceOnABeam simplifies the...

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Hello! Well, the title says it all, this mod creates the Kingdom of Bosnia which is fully playable with it's own kingdom, 2 duchies, 5 counties, royal laws and culture (bosnian). The flags of Kingdom of Bosnia, Duchy of Bosnia, duchy of Dalmatia, Rama,...

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This mod makes saddles, doors, and signs up to 8 in a stack, minecarts and boats up to 4 in a stack. This is great for storage and for using workbenches, chests, or furnaces, as you no longer consume your food!Requirements:ModLoader...

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SGB Quest

SGB Quest 1.0

This sample RPG game is produced by "No-Programming" required game making software which is called Smile Game Builder. Programming skill is unnecessary to create games with this software. You can experience the world of Smile Game Builder by playing...

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TextureWorks version 1 is a large collection of natural textures and surfaces. Hundreds of commercial-quality brick, water, sky, stone, cloth, wood and marble textures and surfaces are included in the package. There are many different categories and...

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This tool do only work with Game Maker 8.0 Pro and higher versions. The GMHScriptMaker is a small tool, that generates a special hs_submit script, which is needed to send a score with a name to a GMHighscores online highscore table. The hs_submit...

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Silver07 1.0

Silver07 is a Runescape 2007 / oldschool client. Features include world select, autotalker, timer, fast hiscores window, and auto screenshot saving (can be disabled). Features include borderless window with ability to be always on top, world select to get...

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