In a world filled with monster guards, menacing bats, crushing boulders, blazing lava, and a labyrinth of caves, an ant with a funny name emerges, energizes, and ready to combat the latest elements. Yes - Doulber is here. He has tricky targets to tackle,...

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Ultratron 1.2

The last human is already dead, slain by evil killer robots. As the last remaining humanoid battle robot, you must avenge the human race and destroy the four bots of the Apocalypse. Pick up powerups on your way to help you out. Fast action retro arcade...

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Save the Earth from evil alien invaders from Titan. Fight your way across the solar system to defeat the aliens on their home world. Upgrade your ship with bigger guns from bounty money. Defeat the alien mothership. Fantastic retro arcade action over 100...

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Ultratron 2.2

Ultratron is an arcade game where you have to destroy the four evil robots of the Apocalypse!The last human has been slain by evil killer robots. You are the one remaining humanoid battle droid. Your mission is to avenge the human race, and destroy the...

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Evil aliens from the 5th dimension are attacking the Fluffies. Their mysterious aim is to mutate the Fluffies into malevolent Lime Jelly. Only you can save them and you are armed with a robot spaceship and a big laser cannon. The game features fast action...

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Droid Assault is a very nice and colorful Java game for kids.The droids in Omni-Corp's factory warehouses have been activated somehow and are running amok!Take control of the droids using a remote virus and either destroy or capture all the droids in each...

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The Earth is under attack from evil aliens from Titan! Only you can save us all using a hired space ship.Upgrade your ship with bounty money and drive back the Titans across the Solar System, and defeat them on their homeworld. That'll show...

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Super Dudester is trapped in Dr. Doooom's Bad Trip Machine. Only you can help him escape. The Dude must make his way from the start room to the exit room. Each room he encounters is different, and he must learn how to escape each one. Quick fix fun: a...

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The robots in Omni-Corp's factory warehouses have accidentally been activated and are running amok! All of the factory workers have been slain. You must enter the warehouses and using a transfer beam take control of a crazy droid. Then you can use its...

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Save the Earth from evil alien invaders from Titan. Fight your way across the solar system to defeat the aliens on their home world. Upgrade your ship with bigger guns from bounty money. Defeat the alien mothership. Fantastic retro arcade action over 100...

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