Because it's fun Fay is about a woman called Fay who has been trapped in a tower by a lonely fairy known as Cornipolous. Not interested in being anybody's pet prisoner, Fay decisively begins to find her way out of the tower. Cornipolous knows there are...

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When compared to most real time strategy games, Harvest is light on the strategy and depth of unit abilities but heavy on arcade-style action and swarms of enemies. Set in the distant future, you play the role of a new worker on the planet Hephaestus who...

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When compared to most real time strategy games, Harvest is light on the strategy and depth of unit abilities but heavy on arcade-style action and swarms of enemies. Set in the distant future, you play the role of a new worker on the planet Hephaestus who...

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You are just about to finish your training with your friend Ricks when disaster strikes... An unknown enemy has attacked your base and you must - as the role of the Union's most promising Strategist - save the world from brain-washing gas missiles. The...

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