Stunt Coureur is a Bullet Physics-based racing game loosely inspired by Stunts.Pure client-server multiplayer is supported.Features:tile based mapping system (currently disabled in 0.02) custom tile support (wavefront OBJ format) fully multithreaded pure...

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Multiplication Puzzle project is a simple GTK 2 game that emulates the multiplication game found in Emacs.Basically, a multiplication problem is shown with all digits replaced by letters. Your job is to guess which letter represents which...

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Space Bombers NG is a remake of the Space Bombers game. It was made for ludumdare and is several times more fun and complex. Choose your upgrade because you'll need it to survive.Check your place in the world on the highscores list ingame or on our...

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Forbidden Cave is a game where you have to collect all gems to proceed to the next level.Written using Pygame API 1.9.1 and Python 2.6.Written on Windows but also runs under Mac and...

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PyBiathlon 0.0.8

PyBiathlon is an arcade game made with Python and PyGame. Idea of the game is to first ski and then shoot, that happens 2 times, and then you will go to goal.The game shows your time after you completed it. It also has randomly generated wind and...

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ZombieZ VS CriminalZ is a pretty simple game and made for one or two players. You have two figures to control and an unlimited amount of zombies that will hurt you if they come to close.You gain points for every kill and additional for multiple kills at...

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gravnoise 0.1.0

gravnoise is a block-based, gravity-infused puzzle game.Installationgravnoise will also use the Python packages termcolor and setproctitle (available at PyPi) if present.Way #1Just run this:pip-3.1 install gravnoiseWay #2Get the newest version of...

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pyNekketsu 0.15

pyNekketsu is an arcade soccer game, inspired by "Nintendo World Cup" AKA "Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball Bu: Soccer Hen".pyNekketsu is a game for 1 or 2 players. Attack, take the ball and shoot!The game is far from being finished, but already playable. Score...

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The SCND Genesis: Legends is a fun and easy to play fighting game based on the web comic THE SCND GENESIS. The battle system is a hybrid of turn based RPG's and conventional 2D fighters.What is new in this release:Numerous bug fixes. Improved...

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