
RoBox 1.0

In this game you are a little anti-terrorism robot, that have to find and dismantle bombs. To accomplish your mission, you should have used your favourite and powerful xray sensor, but it got broken during your transport. So you have to use rely on the...

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You were stranded in the depths of space bound to a lifeless hunk of steel. How long ago was it? A millennium? To an AI, a second is a lifetime. One day an unsuspecting ship passed by, and you jumped. Hop from ship to ship, defeat your pursuers, and plot...

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Glorified cat and mouse chase! However, the role of cat and mouse is decided at random when opposing players find themselves in this maze of wonder. With the vision having been limited they must find...

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Try to get as many as 100,000 eggs as a Russian Chicken Inspector and win the game. You have to monitor your compassion, strength and luck. You can always watch closely the number of eggs that you collect. You should keep your health as high as possible...

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It's an endless runner in which you have got to decide which animal you use depending on the obstacles ahead. The objective is achieving the highest score possible. The cheetah can jump short distances and crouch to fit in tight spaces. The kangaroo can...

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Sailors 1.0

Cooperate to bring the ship to destination, but you must kill the 3 other players to win. Controls : zqsd + ae, oklm + ip, arrows + left ctrl and num_zero, 8456 + 79 (the key on the left is action, the one on the right to drop a trap)Requirements:XNA...

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Smother 1.0

Smother is a turned based puzzle game with three gameplay styles. Inbetween each level the player is given a small amount of narrative that goes along with the gameplay and GGJ14 theme. Controls, the arrow keys to move, x to continue narriative and start...

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You play as a human who intercepts transmissions from various alien races. Your objective is to rearrange them and add insults or compliments in order to instigate a war or mediate peace. If you push the aliens too far, their battles could destroy the...

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Spectacle 1.0

A mystery action adventure where multiple players (2-6) start out not knowing their identity. Players must battle one another to the death for coins used to purchase hints, definites or spectacles. First player to discover his identity...

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Spectrum 1.0

Change the world around you - fill it with colour and life. A puzzle platformer where what you are affects what...

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