Use an array of Jeeps, Tanks, Catapults, Artillery,Mortars,PatrolBoats,Raptor Jets, and Hueys to attack the enemy! Then build your defenses using canon, anti-aircraft guns, and Bubbly Wubblys to protect your AntHill Base from the attackers! Fight using an...

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Trojan War is a game depicting the historical event of the war in 11th century Greece. As a Trojan archer, your task is to allow the innocent into the castle, while attacking the invading army soldiers. Protect the castle when the attackers use the giant...

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Journey cross country from Chicago to Seattle on the road using the vehicle of your choice. Face obstacles of all sorts: bad road conditions, highway robbers, flat tires, and a waiting lover. Bring up to 5 people along, choose among 5 vehicles, includes...

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