With US Gas Prices, you can see what gas prices are around the country at a glance. The usage and pricing of gasoline (or petrol) results from factors such as crude oil prices, processing and distribution costs, local demand, the strength of local...

GoogleNews Widget will provide you Google Top News from US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Canada, South Africa, India and the rest of the World. Search news categories of Business, Technology, Health, Sports, Entertainment or Science, right from...

You want to know what time it is ? Then just get this simple Mac OS X Dashboard Clock. The Time is displayed in digital 24 hour style with the background developed in an light transparency for an good looking and pimping hot...

Learn How To use Finder, Preview, iChat, iCal, Mail, Safari,iTunes, iLife, iWork, GarageBand, iPhoto, iMovie, Address Book, Expose, Dock, Dashboard, Spotlight, Keyboard Shortcuts...or just Customizing your Mac. This awesome widget is ready developed for...

Start your search of the World Wide Web right from your Mac OS X Dashboard and leave no stone unturned with this powerful developed Dashboard styled Search Widget. And it comes with an nicely good looking clock too. OS X Mountain Lion...

Get the Official 'Pimp My Dashboard' Mac OS X Dashboard Widget and customise your Dashboard with Clocks, Podcasts, News, Radios, Games, Webcams, Search, Music, Tips and Tricks... and all sort of pimping hot and good looking widgets.What is new in this...

iTunes Preview allows to get all iOS Apps (free, paid and grossing), music (albums and songs), music videos, podcasts, audiobooks, books, movies, movie trailers, or news from the iTunes store right in to your Mac OS X...