mac bar theme is a Superkarmanba widget that acts exactly like the Mac OS X application launcher. It is a SuperKaramba version of TuxBar SMOOTH.TuxBar is originally written by Matthew Coad.Parametric Zoom for SuperKaramba implemented in is by...

New Driver and Tools is a SuperKaramba theme that displays the latest version of drivers and of some tools. By clicking on the globe you'll get on the homepage of the driver/tool.(The wine homepage was not reachable at the time I took the screen)I'm...

Nix Monitor is a little Superkaramba system monitor based on the "unix" monitor. I've changed a lot of it, and added some custom scripts for monitoring the CPU and a wireless interface. Be sure to edit the .theme file to configure...

Password Generator is a Superkaramba theme for generating passwords. The last five passwords are stored in the pw.txt file in your homedirectory. If you want to change the location of your pw.txt file you have to rename the .skz file into .zip and open...

RadioList-mplayer is a simple widget that stores a list of radio streaming urls and plays any of them using mplayer. INSTALLATION: Uncompress the .tar.gz in some directory. Then open Superkaramba and select Add Local Theme. Browse for the .theme file you...


rpnKalc Alpha

rpnKalc is a very simple rpn (reverse polish notation) calculator. Be warned I know very little about math and programming. Do not use for anything important such as money.I am posting this in hope that i can get feedback on usability (things like...


Screenlets 0.1.6

Screenlets are small owner-drawn applications (written in Python) that can be described as "the virtual representation of things lying/standing around on your desk". From sticknotes, rulers, clocks ... the possibilities are endless.Screenlets (short form...