
plexshell 0.0.2

plexshell is a shell to interact with the Plex Media Server.psh is a command-line interface to interact with Plex Media Server instances. It is primarily aimed at Plex plugin authors who would like a lightweight way to interact with PMS whilst developing...


Plumb 3.0.2

Plumb is an open source command-line tool that acts as a shell. It is designed to build large graphs of pipes (edges) and processes (nodes), instead of pipelines.Traffic can be controlled by virtual processes, and it supports starting/stopping processes,...


posh 0.3.14

posh is a stripped-down version of pdksh with several improvements that aims for compliance with Debian's /bin/sh policy, and few extra features.Currently, Debian's policy is to adhere to POSIX with the exception of supporting 'echo -n', so posh strives...


ProFTPD 1.3.6 updated

ProFTPD is a cross-platform, open source, free and highly-configurable software project that has been designed from the ground up to act as a FTP (File Transfer Protocol) daemon (server) for GNU/Linux, BSD, Solaris, Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X...


progbar 0.3

progbar is a simple progression bar by Yves-Gwenael Bourhis, written in Python.Usage:Class ProgBar(name, lenght): name is a string lenght is an integer which represents the number of elements in the barMethods:start(): Start the progression bar...

Pure FTP Server is a fast, production quality, standards-conformant FTP server based on Troll-FTPd. Pure FTP Server has no known vulnerability, it is trivial to set up, and it is especially designed for modern kernels.Features include PAM support, IPv6,...

PurePostPro provides an upload post-processor for Pure-FTPd.PurePostPro is a Perl/MySQL script that enables user uploads to be managed more easily. New uploads are logged in a MySQL database, and duplicate files are tracked using MD5 checksums.The script...

PureUserAdmin provides a Web-based Pure-FTPd user administration system.PureUserAdmin is a Web-based aplication for easily managing the virtual users for Pure-FTPd servers, although it should be possible to use it with other FTP servers as long as they...


pyte 0.4.6

pyte is an in memory VTXXX-compatible terminal emulator. XXX stands for a series video terminals, developed by DEC between 1970 and 1995. The first, and probably the most famous one, was VT100 terminal, which is now a de-facto standard for all virtual...