A dingbat true type font for creating graphics, websites, word processing. From this font you can create logos, buttons, headers, menus, business cards. This is a complete alphabetic font; All Caps: A to Z and Small Caps: a to...

If you want to get the full effect of the letters, write with caps lock on. The Lee7 Haxor Font is a font designed to look like today's modern versions of words. For example, t is "7", e is "3", and x is...

This font was built for moments of expressing love. Pendo, the font name, means Love in Swahili . "Exotic" is the core intent of this expressive font. The prefix "e" is a rating KamaHapa uses and it refers to "Extended Character Set." That means...

A dingbat true type font for creating graphics, websites, word processing. From this font you can create seamless backgrounds for websites as well as other applications. This is a complete alphabetic font; All Caps: A to Z and Small Caps: a to...

Is it a CROSS? Or Is it a SWORD? We fixed that with a "TWO-WORD" (a compound word). We were going to call it a "CROSS-SWORD" . . . But "CROSSWORD" writes easier. So go on then, express your passion with the eCROSSWORD_BackSlant_UpX1. You decide what...

Arben Golja 2 is a compilation of 1000 freeware Serbian decorative cyrillic fonts. Suitable for webmasters and designers .Contains 650plus True Type Fonts and 350plus Open Type Fonts. The ultimate collection of Serbian fonts.What is new in this...