
404-Error 1.3

If a page was (re)moved and now shows '404 page/file/site not found' error, this tiny extension uploads archived version of a page (from wayback machine at archive.org). If 404 error related message is not put in the HTML title tag of the missing page,...

Google Global is a Firefox extension. It allows you to see what the Google search results that you are viewing look like from different geographical locations. Once installed, Google Global will add a default and user defined context menu to all Google...

Bitdefender QuickScan takes full advantage of the "in-the-cloud" scanning service and is capable to detect active malware in less than a minute, taking just a fraction of the system resources needed by a regular virus scan.Requirements:Mozilla...


FoxySpider 1.5.2

FoxySpider can be used to create a vivid thumbnail gallery of all the links to requested file types in a page packed with links. It can also recursively crawl into all the page links and display the files it finds there in the same gallery. FoxySpider is...

No Small Text is a Firefox addon which provides a toolbar button with a drop-down menu from which a minimum font size may be chosen. This minimum font size applies to all web content immediately without a reload. Because some web sites do not handle...

Use this extension to go to the page on which you first clicked a link to the current page. For example: Go "back" even after opening a link in a new tab and closing the original tab. Remember how you found a site you bookmarked yesterday. When you are...


GTDGmail 1.22

GTDGmail discreetly integrates into Gmail making it even more suitable as a GTD tool. GTD Getting Things Done is a simple and effective productivity concept designed so that even the laziest and most scattered of people can be organised and stress...

Select text, right-click to open it as a link in a new tab, to open it as an article in english wikipedia or to do an 'I'm feeling lucky' google search. This version is the first release on CNET Download.com.What is new in this release:This version is the...