With Scroll To Top for Firefox, it will be fun than just scroll. It adds images at bottom-right corner of the page to give you one click scrolling to top and vice-versa with animation. You can customize the scrolling image.What is new in this...

Save your video as flv. From a large number of Web sites. Download videos from Metacafe, Google, 220.ro, Metacafe.ro, Neogen, Trilulilu, RedTube, XTube, XHamster, and 2XtremeBoom. What is new in this release: Version 2.2.280208 changes: Remade all...

FindBar Tweaks is a Firefox add-on to help with your page search. It adds a find bar on top of your browser. It shows you the number of occurrence and highlights all of them on the scroll bar to locate things easily. You can even configure the extension...

When you're about to get new stuff via the internet and you look for the sheapest things, we know a method to make you save even more money. We support a CashBack - Mechanism to give you money back for the things you bought.Requirements:FireFox 5.0 or...

Unicode Converter converts among character references (hex or decimal), HTML entities, and Unicode. Also view Unicode and values in chart and optionally output to a textbox. Several preferences allow a great degree of customization including adding one's...

This Firefox extension allows you to save pages of interest to read later. It eliminates cluttering of bookmarks with sites that are merely of a one-time interest.What is new in this release:Version 3.0 has fixed an issue where the Archive would not load...