
MetaFiler 2.0

How often have you wanted to store information about a file but had nowhere to put it? A caption for a picture, an original creation name for a document or a thumbnail JPEG for a large TIFF. Your options are to save multiple files or to store the filename...

Desktop Explorer is an advanced file management software that is a simple, fast and fun way to organize, edit and manage files, digital photos, MP3 music files and web images on your PC. You can customize your desktop: move, copy, edit, search, view, zip,...

SpringClean is an application to help you archive and remove your old files, keeping your file systems and disks nice and clean. You can search for files on various parameters and even update a database based on the results of the job *Search for files...

Undelete file is very easy. Recover deleted file is easy. Power Undelete Wizard is an easy-to-use, windows based application designed for recovering deleted files from NTFS or FAT32 volumes. It even can recover files from formatted or reformatted disk. It...

PopRummer Pro is a simple and useful file management software. It is supported by the Windows file management. The software can put the files of the hard disk together to a clear and visualized interface, just like making the catalog for a book. It is...

Split 'N' Merge is a File Spit Tool that can be used to Split large files to parts of desired Size. Encryption functionality is provided to encrypt the file parts by means of a password,Thus Preventing Unauthorized Access.The File parts can be easily be...

WordConverterExe (WCE) is a 32 bit application designed to assist MS Word/Excel users to perform document file type conversions. WCE can be ran from the command line allowing for use in batch files as well as launching programmatically from other...



FolderJump quick change folders in Windows Explorer and Open or Save Dialogs. The Master Cluster's FolderJump is a simple and handy extension for the standard context menus of Windows Explorer and Open or Save Dialogs. With FolderJump , it is easy to...

Undelete Deleted Files helps you recover accidentally deleted files from a hard drive, removable drive, USB drive, memory stick, flash drive, SD card, etc. With Undelete Deleted Files you can recover files deleted with or without the Recycle Bin, using...