QuickScore Elite

QuickScore Elite 2012.0.1.9

Comprehensive, integrated music composition and notation software, incorporating music scoring, arranging, MIDI sequencing and recording. QuickScore Elite is software for composing music, a powerful and integrated 24-track scoring and sequencing program...

Inside this software you get access to over 200 professional level horse racing ratings. Create as many custom race cards as you want and assign different ratings to them so you always have the ratings you need for every set of race conditions! Used by...

It is a radio player which can play almost all of the popular streams whilst being able to save them into profiles for easier use. It also has a to functions, AutoPlay and MOS(Minimize On Start). AutoPlay plays a given radio station every time the app is...

Scale finder is a quick utility to find notes of common musical Scales/Modes associated with Rock , Blues and Jazz Genres of music . Simply setup the root note and get to see in a glance notes of Scales. The interface is designed to be generic, simple...

Our App allows you to watch live TV online through your mobile or tablet device. The Schoener Fernsehen App allows you to watch live TV online through your cellphone or tablet device. Features: A complete list of channels, including minutes until the show...