
BestCrypt 9.04 updated

To protect your privacy, comply with regulations, such as HIPAA or PCI, and prevent data breaches, BestCrypt Container Encryption delivers 'on-the-fly' data encryption that's easy to use for virtual drives and selected files or folders. BestCrypt...

Privacy Drive

Privacy Drive 3.9.3 build 1272 updated

Privacy Drive is easy to use encryption software that uses Virtual Disk and "on the fly" disk encryption technology to not only lock and encrypt your data, but also hide it. Whatever you want to keep away from prying eyes - photographs, videos, graphic...



VSFileEncrypt is an easy to use file encryption program. You can encrypt any file you choose. To access the file again, you would need access to the password that was used while encrypting. VSFileEncrypt is a serious solution, but at the same time is...