YP Atwood

YP Atwood 1.0

YP Atwood simulates a pulley (simple or double) driven by one or two suspended masses. Thisprogram is designed to study the kinematics and the dynamics of rotational motion with constantangular acceleration, and linear motion with constant acceleration....

With YP DC Circuits you can build a virtual electric circuit including batteries, resistors and switches, and take measures on this circuit with an ammeter and a voltmeter. The circuit can be copied, printed or saved as a PICT file.What is new in this...

YP Image

YP Image 1.0.1

YP Image is designed to assist teachers and students when they study imageformation by mirrors and thin lenses (geometrical optics). It computes thelocation and magnification of the image formed by a spherical mirror or athin lens, and draws a ray...

Allows the user to plot a graph of velocity as a function of time. The program uses this graph to build a graph of position vs time, and a graph of acceleration vs time, which are displayed in separate windows. The motion described by these 3 plots can be...

YP Reflection is designed to assist teachers and students when they study the laws of reflection in geometrical optics. The program provides the user with a lasersource that can be moved and rotated, and with a large quantity of mirrors that can be moved...