ADOS 1.1.1

ADOS are a program for automatic design, analysis, and optimization of optical systems. ADOS are optical design program with scope needed to meet today's requirements of optical designers. ADOS provide an integrated software environment that enables you...

The Free Lit Reader should be considered by all those users who use a specific platform for their e-book requirements. The .lit extension is a flagship of Microsoft and is exclusive to store such books on the relevant devices and read them at any point in...


Islam 7.81 updated

Read and learn Holy Quran, 3D page animation, 35 languages, search engine, praying times and animation, background and text styles, Holy Qur'an MP3 player, creating Holy Qur'an HTML pages, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala names and meanings, 30 days...


MvStudium 4.1

Model Vision Studium is an integrated graphical environment for fast and easy visual designing of interactive models of complex dynamical systems and experimenting on them. Key features: creating models doesn't require any programming; uniform approach to...

Base Converter converts an integer or non-integer string, including floating point strings expressed in one base to an expression in another base. The allowed bases range from 2 to 65536. The length of the number is limited only by available memory. Base...