Anagram Solver is a simple anagram solver program. You can use it against any spelling dictionary that is formatted:- one word per line- in alphabetical order If its not in alphabetical order, you could send it through pipe. The basic algorithm tries all...


StarPlot 0.95.5

StarPlot is a program for Unix that allows you to view charts of the relative 3-dimensional positions of stars in space.It is free software; the source code for StarPlot is available under the GNU General Public License. Here is a screenshot (click for a...

Equation Grapher

Equation Grapher 20050225

Equation Grapher is a 2D implicit equation grapher.Equation Grapher allows you to plot equations of the form f(x,y) = g(x,y), with all of the standard operators (log, exp, sqrt, ...) as well as differentiation. Example equations:y = sin(x)x = sin(y)(xy)^2...

WorldForge::wfmath's primary focus is geometric objects. Thus, it includes several shapes (boxes, balls, lines), in addition to the basic math objects that are used to build these shapes (points, vectors, matricies). Most of the library classes can be...


Gplib++ 0.6.2

Gplib++ is a library of programs and C++ classes to analyze and model geophysical data.Gplib++ is a first glance at some of the code that will become part of this library. Documentation is still very sparse and any help is appreciated. Otherwise bear with...


NZMATH 1.1.0

NZMATH is a based number theory oriented calculation system written in Python. It is developed at Tokyo Metropolitan University. It is freely available and distributed under the BSD license.Your feedbacks are always...


lamprop 1.3.3

lamprop's purpose is to calculate some properties of fiber-reinforced composite laminates. It calculates:- engineering properties like Ex, Ey, Gxy- thermal properties CTE_x and CTE_y- physical properties like density and laminate thickness- stiffness and...