
FictionDB 1.0.3

FictionDB is a Calibre plugin that can retrieve ISBN, author, title, comments, rating, cover, tags, publication date, publisher and FictionDB id from the website.This can be used to replace or supplement the existing Calibre plugins for...


Fimex 0.55.1

Fimex stands for File Interpolation, Manipulation and EXtraction and it's an open source and completely free command-line program implemented in C++ and designed from the ground up as a library for interacting with gridded geospatial data.It's...

Find Duplicates

Find Duplicates 1.6.2 updated

Find Duplicates is a Calibre plugin that will can search your entire ebook library and identify duplicates.It searches for duplicate authors, series, titles, publishers, identifiers, formats and tags.Find Duplicates is a free add-on designed to work with...


FLENS 2012-10-01

FLENS project is:· a C++ interface for BLAS and LAPACK· an extremely convenient C++ interface for BLAS and LAPACK· an extremely efficient C++ interface to BLAS and LAPACK: · There is no run-time overhead compared to directly...

Fractal Fr0st is an application written in Python/PyGame that allows you to visualize the results of an iterated funcion system as it is rendered. This is a very early version of it, with lots of planned funcionality missing.The only controls so far...


FreeMat 3.6

FreeMat is a free environment for rapid engineering and scientific prototyping and data processing. FreeMat project is similar to commercial systems such as MATLAB from Mathworks, and IDL from Research Systems, but is Open Source.FreeMat includes several...