Freeblisket E-Commerce Solution provides the complete set of tools required for creating professional E-commerce Web sites. It contains many features including the following: Store Builder, Shopping Cart, Order Management, Secure Authentication, Inventory...

HotcakesCMS is a NZ developed Content Management System-CMS for use in simple Web sites to e-commerce. Its primary goal is to provide a simple to use interface for small and medium business users. Features include layout, CSS, menus, and...

Image Chest provides photographers with an easy way to proof and sell their digital images. Simply burn your images to CD/DVD using Image Chest and give it to your client. They will be able to view their images in a shopping cart style interface, and...


Job2C 4.0

A full-featured, complete automated, high quality Employment/Recruitment system. Job2C (Job to Customers) is the perfect solution for nationwide professional Employment/Recruitment online service providers such as,, as same as for...

KariChat notifies you whenever you have a new visitor at your Web site, tells you which page he is currently viewing, which page he came from, and if he use a search engine, KariChat lets you know which one, and which keywords were used to find you....