Jquery Colorpicker

Jquery Colorpicker 7.x-1.2 / 6.x-2.3 updated

The module gracefully degrades to a text input type if JavaScript is turned off.The field will require a 6 digit hexadecimal color code to be inputted. Installation:Login the Drupal administration panel.Go to Modules section.Upload the module or...

jReject (Drupal)

jReject (Drupal) 7.x-1.2 / 6.x-1.0 / 7.x-2.0-beta1

jReject sniffs user agent information and shows a notification inside a modal popup window alerting the user about the fact he uses a deprecated browsers that might not render the page properly.jReject for Drupal integrates this small plugin with the...

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Junk 6.x-1.3

The module allows for admins to change their mind and still recover their nodes.It is the best and all-in-one solution for this purpose.Installation:Unpack in your modules folder (usually '/sites/all/modules/')Enable under Administer >...

Keyword Research

Keyword Research 7.x-1.0-alpha4 / 6.x-1.2

The Keyword Research module helps the admin research, analyze and select better keyword phrases for a site's content directly from a Drupal website.It also enables to quickly and easily tag nodes with keywords using a variety of popular methods.The module...

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The title will consist of the native title of the language.The effect will be, that hovering over a language link will display the native language title.The module is recommended for displaying language icons (e.g. flags) and no text with...

As a design decision, the Language Sections module will remain an input filter only.Any required functionality that doesn't fit that model (see the LS issue queue) will go in via separate modules (if at all) and LS Extras will be a set of such modules.The...

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Language Switcher Dropdown

Language Switcher Dropdown 7.x-2.5 / 6.x-1.7 / 8.x-2.x

Language Switcher Dropdown is a very simple module that exposes a new block, similar to the default Language switcher block provided by Locale module.The new block allows site visitors to switch languages using a drop-down select list instead of using...

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Language Switcher Reminder works in correlation with the Language Switcher Dropdown module.If the page has been translated and the language drop-down is available, the notification bar will show up at page load.Installation:Login the Drupal administration...

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Lightbox2 7.x-1.0-beta1 / 6.x-1.11 / 5.x-2.11

This frees you from the constraints of the layout, particularly column widths.This module will include the lightbox CSS and JS files in your Drupal Installation without the need to edit the theme.The module comes with a Lightbox2 Lite option which does...

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Link Node

Link Node 7.x-1.0 / 6.x-1.3 / 5.x-1.4

Parameters follow the part and are comma separated name="value" pairs: [node:node_id,title="Original version of the picture"]Note that the values must be encased in double quotes. This is to allow users to include commas in the value. ...

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