
Sanzang 1.1.2

Sanzang is an open source, cross-platform, simple, fast, free and compact machine translation system implemented in Ruby and designed from the ground up to be used for translating text from the Chinese, Korean and Japanese languages to English.The program...

sphinx-gettext-helper is a Sphinx extension that contains the gettext helper script for Sphinx .This script enable you to update and build gettext message catalogs more easy:# update and merge PO file from POT file (pot file is generated from Sphinx)$...

sphinx-git is a Sphinx extension that allows you to include a git changelog of your Sphinx documentation within the documentation.To use it, add 'sphinx_git' to 'extensions' in your Sphinx, and add:.. git_changelog::where you want the list of...

sphinx-http-domain is a Sphinx plugin to add an HTTP domain, allowing the documentation of RESTful HTTP methods.You can document simple methods, wrap any arguments in the path with curly-braces:.. http:method:: GET /api/foo/bar/{id}/{slug} :arg id:...


sphinx-me 0.2.1

sphinx-me is a Python tool that will create a Sphinx documentation shell for your project and include the README file as the documentation index. It handles extracting the required meta data such as the project name, author and version from your...

sphinxcontrib-bibtex is a Sphinx extension that allows bibtex references to be inserted into your documentation. The extension adds a bibliography directive, and a cite role, which work similarly to LaTeX's \bibliography and \cite...

sphinxcontrib-blockdiag is a Python module that contains the blockdiag Sphinx extension.This extension enable you to insert block diagrams in your Sphinx document. Following code is sample:.. blockdiag:: diagram { A -> B -> C; B ->...

sphinxcontrib-coffee is a Sphinx extension that adds a CoffeeScript domain with autodoc support to Sphinx.This relies on coffeedoc_ to extract source comments from ``.coffee`` files. To install coffeedoc globally::  npm install -g coffeedoc.....