sphinxcontrib-eagle is a Sphinx extension exports eagle partlist or image (2D/3D) of schematic or board during the build step and includes them into the documentation.Links:- home: https://github.com/ponty/sphinxcontrib-eagle- documentation:...

sphinxcontrib-httpdomain is a Sphinx extension that provides a Sphinx domain for describing RESTful HTTP APIs.You can find the documentation from the following URL:http://packages.python.org/sphinxcontrib-httpdomain/Requirements:cursor-pointer"...

sphinxcontrib-rawfiles is a Sphinx extension to copy raw files, like a CNAME.SettingYou can get archive file at http://bitbucket.org/birkenfeld/sphinx-contrib/Installeasy_install sphinxcontrib-rawfilesConfigure SphinxTo enable this extension, add...

sphinxcontrib-inheritance is a Sphinx extension that provides Tryton-specific markup.InstallationThis extension can be installed from the Python Package Index:pip install sphinxcontrib-inheritanceAlternatively, you can clone the inheritance repository...

stsci.sphinxext contains extensions to Sphinx to build documentation from STScI.UsageThese instructions only cover changes from the standard Sphinx instructions.Create a new tree for your Sphinx documentation, using sphinx_quickstart, as described in the...

This package contains the Google Chart Sphinx extension.This extension enable you to insert charts and graphs in your Sphinx document. Following code is sample:.. piechart:: dog: 100 cat: 80 rabbit: 40See more examples and output images in...

sphinxcontrib-coffee is a Sphinx extension that adds a CoffeeScript domain with autodoc support to Sphinx.This relies on coffeedoc_ to extract source comments from ``.coffee`` files. To install coffeedoc globally::  npm install -g coffeedoc.....

rstspreadsheet is a module that adds the spreadsheet directive for reStructuredText. You can use it from Docutils or Sphinx. Any Python function/module can be used to calculate the cell value.Install:pip install rstspreadsheet # oreasy_install...

sphinxcontrib-requirements contains the requirements Sphinx extension.Allows declaring requirement specs wherever in the documentation (for instance, in docstrings of UnitTest.test_* methods) and displaying them as a single...