Backup Manager is a command line backup tool for GNU/Linux, designed to help you make daily archives of your file system.Backup Manager is written in bash and perl and it can make tar, tar.gz,, and zip archives and can be run in a parallel mode...


MKSBackup 1.0.3

MKSBackup can run Windows ntbackup, wbadmin or Linux tar or even VMWare ESX(i) using settings found in a .ini file. When done MKSBackup can send e-mails including a full report.The email subject display an unambiguous status "ERR" or "OK" to...


ohsnap 0.1.0 Alpha 20120508

ohsnap contains a pyCLI application that manages tarsnap backups and retention policies.The ohsnap commandohsnap will allow a user to create backups with retention policies.UsageBasic usage info is display when running ohsnap with no...


ZZIPlib 0.13.61

ZZIPlib library is intentionally lightweight, it offers the ability to easily extract data from files archived in a single zip file. Applications can bundle files into a single zip archive and access them. The implementation is based only on the (free)...


extcarve 1.4

extcarve is an open source command-line utility that helps users to recover data from EXT2, EXT3 and EXT4 file systems. It is also a semantic file carving tool.extcarve is part of the giis (gET iT i sAY) project and it is engineered in such a way...


SCROK-Filer 1.0.4

If you don't like KDE or ROX-Filer, you don't like SCROK-Filer.SCROK-Filer is a file manager app that has less features than ROX-Filer: it has no pinboards, panels, applet panels or mini-buffers.SCROK-Filer is not intended to be a competitor to...


AutoArchive 1.0.1

AutoArchive is a simple utility written in Python designed to make backups easier. It uses tar for creating archives. The idea of the program is that every information needed for making a backup is in one file - the archive spec file. Path to this...

Linux File Renamer is a freely distributed GNU/Linux utility designed from the ground up to allow you to easily and quickly rename several files that are stored in multiple directories and subdirectories, from the comfort of your Linux desktop.Allows you...


giis-ext4 1.3

giis-ext4 (also known as gET iT i sAY for EXT4) is an open source command-line utility, a standalone version of the original giis (gET iT i sAY) utility, especially designed to be used for recovering data from EXT4 filesystems.What is giis?giis (gET iT i...