Cloud Explorer

Cloud Explorer 7.2 updated

Cloud Explorer is an open-source, platform independent and completely free graphical application designed from the ground up to act as a simple, intuitive and easy-to-use Amazon S3 client. It supports GNU/Linux, Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X operating...

Data recovery program for NTFS file systems. Reads each block of the hard disk to and retrieves rebuilds file system tree on another partition.I wrote this program when one of my friends lost valuable data on an NTFS drive. It been used since then in...


M3CCtl 0.1

M3CCtl is a control program for the M3C File System. One annoying factor of the SP 503 is that music has to be transferred using either the serial port or a special parallel port box. The music is stored on plain MMC cards which can be accessed by a...

Creates indexed pdf documents from text files. Designed to aid creating an electronic distribution method for legacy system reports, since many mainframe type print spools are plain text.Allows indexing, customizing page settings, font size, font face,...


DupeFinder 1.1.0

DupeFinder is a simple application for locating, renaming, moving and deleting duplicate files in a directory structure.It's perfect both for users who haven't kept their hard drives very well organized and need to do some cleaning to free space, and for...


ccgfs 0.80

ccgfs is a transport-agnostic FUSE filesystem. Transport is arranged by helper programs, such as ssh. The "push" transport mode makes it possible to export a filesystem located in a LAN to a DMZ host without defeating the DMZ security model which...


vbackup 0.1.9

vbackup is a software that performs easy system backups. It can be extended by user scripts and can be fully configured to fit a system needs. vbackup can be customized to perform full or incremental backups where they are supported.vbackups consists of a...


SVFS 2.0.0

SVFS is a simple virtual filesystem for Python.SVFS allows to create virtual filesystem inside file on real filesystem.It can be used to store multiple files inside single file (with directory structure).Unlike archives, SVFS allows to modify files...


DedupeCopy 0.3.4

DedupeCopy is a simple multi-threaded file copy tool designed for consolidating and restructuring sprawling file systems.The most common use case is for backing up data into a new layout, ignoring duplicated files.Other uses include:  1. Getting a...


Andromeda 0.3.0

Andromeda is an open source file manager software designed with a lot of useful features, but at the same time easy to use for beginners.Being written in Qt, Andromeda is a cross-platform software that runs on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows operating...