is a thriving online art community of over a 15 million unique users and over 300 000 registered members from over 220 countries. The primary purpose of the community is to create, share, remix, explore, comment, rate and fave the artwork...

SwarmSketch is an ongoing online canvas that explores the possibilities of distributed design by the masses. Each week it randomly chooses a popular search term which becomes the sketch subject for the week. In this way, the collective is sketching what...

Enter a keyword and Tag Galaxy will search Flickr for related images. You can either click the big ball of gas at the center of your screen to see some of the images, or you can check out one of the little related-tag planets orbiting the center of your...

The Tartan Maker lets you create a variety of tartan images for use as wallpaper, site backgrounds, or other design uses. Select the number of bands that you want to use and each of their colors, specify the orientation, choose the yarn size, and click...

Textorizer takes a raster image in a format such as png, jpeg or gif, detects edges using a Sobel convolution filter and replaces them with supplied lines of text. The output from textorizer is in SVG, which can be viewed directly in the Firefox 1.5...