Kids Server

Kids Server 1.7.1

Kids Server is a proxy server software with advanced web filtering capabilities. It is Mac OS X based and able to restrict any browsers in any operating system (Mac OS, Windows, UNIX and so on) in your network.What is new in this release: Real Time...

The Best Way To Filter The Game Machines That Hookup To Your Network. KidsFilterShare is a utility to share the KidsGoGoGo or KidsServer's filtering features to all computers. Regardless of wireless, wired LAN, computer model or OS version,...

KidsGoGoGo NB package contains KidsGoGoGo Server and KidsGoGoGo client software. KidsGoGoGo Server will gather the all web logs and update the database for all client computers in network. KidsGoGoGo NB will reduce the maintenance costs and save time...

Launch! Netspace is a Mac OS X application for Netspace ADSL broadband users ( ). Launch! Netspace provides a usage meter that updates automatically while connected to the network, calculations of costs when over your monthly...

Launch! TPG is a Mac OS X application for TPG ADSL broadband users. Launch! TPG provides a usage meter that updates automatically while connected to the network, calculations of costs when over your monthly allowance, and a status menu item.Launch! TPG is...

LocationChanger automatically reconfigures many programs and resources according to IP address, wireless network ID, gateway MAC address, physical location, ISP, or network connection speed. Currently LocationChanger is capable of automatically modifying...

Looking for a program guide for your Mac Based Home Theater, well look no further. MacProgramGuide harnesses the power of Web Services and the internet to provide program schedules, episode, cast and crew information. MacProgramGuide provides search...