Apache Crunch

Apache Crunch 0.13.0 updated

A pipeline is a concatenation of operations to perform a specific job, arranged so that the output of each element is the input of the next.Apache Crunch provides an easier method of dealing with Apache Hadoop MapReduce pipelines.Crunch simplifies this...

Apache CXF

Apache CXF 3.1.4 updated

Services developed via Apache CXF can speak to a wide variety of protocols, allowing developers to build multi-functional applications that can work over a variety of platforms and transport layers. Apache CXF is very extensible, is well documented,...

Apache DdlUtils provides simple Java utility classes for manipulating DDL files, that are actually simple XML files written in the Data Definition Language.The Data Definition Language is a special markup that describes the structure in which data can be...

Apache Deltacloud is made up of two main parts. The core and the client.These two provides the ability to manage cloud computing accounts on one or more of these services at the same time from the same code within your application.You can use Deltacloud...

Apache DeltaSpike

Apache DeltaSpike 1.5.2 updated

CDI stands for "Contexts and Dependency Injection", a technique used in Java for setting fields in a container-managed application, according to the Inversion of Control (IoC) design pattern. DeltaSpike allows developers to extend the default Java CDI...

Apache Derby

Apache Derby updated

Apache Derby is one of the first database engines the Apache Software foundation hosted under its umbrella before big names like Yahoo's Hadoop, Facebook's Cassandra, or IBM's CouchDB were also donated to it. Coded from the beginning to...

Apache Drill

Apache Drill 1.4.0 updated

Apache Drill was created to allow developers to query up to 10,000 servers and handle petabytes of query data within seconds. Drill is Apache's response to Google's Dremel package, providing an open source solution for running large data...