
SkyBlue 1.0.4

SkyBlue is not meant to replace Bootstrap or other bigger toolkit, but is merely an alternative to those tools when the project is smaller and doesn't require such a bulky toolkit.The SkyBlue CSS Framework doesn't come packed with tens and tens of...

RocketScroll doesn't use jQuery to work, being coded in vanilla JavaScript alone.Because of this it is very lightweight when it comes to file size, but also manages to deliver a lot of features regardless.RocketScroll allows easy customization of the...

TimePicker works by transforming a form field where time data is expected, breaking it down into the time format's component parts.So if you expect a format like "HH:mm:ss" inside the field, the hour, minute, and seconds fields will be displayed...

Rocket Page Flip is nothing more than a classic image slider that uses book page flip effects to rotate between images instead of more simple transitions like fade, slide, switch, etc..The page flip effect is run using CSS3 3D transformations in browsers...