jquery.mb.scrollable main usage is for featured content sliders, allowing the developer to build his own article or image slider using a wide array of available features.The plugin lets him control how many slider items are visible, the type of navigation...

jquery.mb.tabset is a very useful user interface component, adding more controls & options for the classic tabbed navigation widget.The plugin is easy to deploy and comes with plenty of parameters which you can tweak and change to create the desired tab...

jquery.mb.tooltip hides the browser default tooltip styles and replaces them with a CSS-skinned version.The tooltip's content can be loaded from the page's HTML code or requested via an AJAX call from a remote location.Only basic text content is supported...


jquery.mb.valueSlider 1.6.0 updated

jquery.mb.valueSlider transforms regular text input fields into a horizontal line with one or two handles that can be adjusted using the mouse.These handles let the user select the value they want without having to type it and the plugin lets developers...