
Sami 3.0.5 updated

Sami was created by the same developer that built Symfony, and works just like any other documentation generator, parsing code, extracting comments, and creating a simple HTML docs out of them. Sami is quite easy to install and uses a local configuration...


Goutte 3.1.2 updated

Goutte uses the Guzzle PHP library to query for a desired Web page and then using a series of search filters narrows down the page only to the desired HTML data. Developers can use the library to build complex data mining and Web crawlers, retrieving only...


Sismo 1.0.3 updated

Sismo is contained in one single file which developers can easily install in their applications' root folder. They can then access either the CLI or the Web-based interface and point the application to the tests it needs to run. Once it runs the tests, it...


Silex 1.3.5 updated

Silex was inspired by Ruby's Sinatra framework and is built using tools like Symfony 2.x and Pimple. The framework itself is quite lightweight, relies more on extensions that its core code, and is also very well documented so developers won't...


Pimple 3.0.2 updated

Pimple was built by the same developer that developed the hugely popular Symfony framework and it was created to help the framework manage dependencies in a more efficient way. Even if small in size, Pimple covers a lot of base, providing all the features...


Twig 1.22.2 updated

Twig uses a syntax similar to the template languages found in Django and Jinja. Twig is also the current templating engine used in the popular Symfony PHP framework. The principle behind Twig is simple. It takes specific syntax and converts to plain...