
epik 1.2.0 updated

MVP stands for Model-View-Presenter, a model very similar to MVC. epik allows developers to build JS-driven applications using small modular code. It was created around the AMD industry practices and designed to work with Bower components out of the...


Epitome 0.6.2

MVP stands for Model-View-Presenter, a model closely similar to MVC.Epitome is built with MooTools Classes and Events. This makes it highly configurable, allowing developers to extend it so it can fit any usage scenario.Demos and docs are included with...


mooSelecta 1.6.1

mooSelecta adds the proper support so the select element will be completely stylable via CSS.Instead of using various JS hacks that only hide the drop-down select and use images on top, this plugin can be loaded in their place, perfectly mimicking default...


mooTagify 2.0.4

The user can enter words, and they will be transformed in tags when hitting Enter.Words separated using commas will be converted to their own tag.Auto-completion is provided for a list of predefined words, list which can be easily customized to whatever...