Android SDK Tools

Android SDK Tools Revision 24.4.1

Android is an open, mobile-phone platform that is currently under development. The Android developers kit will allow you to develop Android applications that you can run, test, profile, and debug. The stand-alone SDK Tools package does not include a...


GlassFish 2.1.1

GlassFish is a free, open source application server which implements the newest features in the Java EE 5 platform (the next version of the J2EE platform). The Java EE 5 platform includes the latest versions of technologies such as Enterprise JavaBeans...


tavrasm 1.22jb

Assembler for Atmel ATtiny/ATmega microcontrollers. tavrasm is a command-line tool, original source code can be downloaded from It is recommended that you also install AVRMacPack from...

OpenJDK 7 for OS X Lion is based on OpenJDK sources. This solutions aims at delivering for Java enthusiasts and / or developers a working version of the next Java release for their Apple Mac running at least OS X Lion. This version of OpenJDK required you...

Component (Java or .NET) which allows to translate XSL-FO to the file formats used by Microsoft Word and Writer. Rich Text Format (RTF, compatible with Microsoft Word), WordprocessingML (WML, compatible with Microsoft Word 2003 and...


SanityCheck 5.1b30

SanityCheck is a 4D structure development tool. It is the best damage detection tool available for your structure files and will even repair your structure files. SanityCheck is a very powerful, "lint-like" code-verification tool. As it scans, it looks...


Symphytum 1.1

Symphytum is an easy-to-use personal database software with cloud synchronization support. Design input forms. Move and resize fields thanks to the dynamic layout engine. Use text, numbers, images, files and other control fields. Put your data in the...

Komodo Edit

Komodo Edit 9.1 updated

Komodo Edit from ActiveState is a free, open source, multi-platform, multi-language editor (Google Go, PHP, Python, Ruby, Perl,Tcl, JavaScript, CSS, HTML and template languages like RHTML, Template-Toolkit, HTML-Smarty and Django). Background syntax...