Jar::Signer Perl module ease the process of creating a signed Jar file.SYNOPSIS# using FindBin is just a suggestion.use FindBin qw( $RealBin );use Jar::Signer;my $signer = Jar::Signer->new;# location of the keystore, created if...


JSqsh 1.4

JSqsh software is a Java re-implementation of a tool that I originally authored called sqsh. The original sqsh was a Sybase-specific console based tool (i.e. non-graphical) that combined the ability to query the database with much of the functionality of...


Glade 3.22.1 updated

Glade is an open source application that allows GNOME and GTK+ developers to create beautiful and modern graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for their projects or any other command-line software. It is a user interface designer and RAD (Rapid Application...


Z80-ASM 1.0

Z80-ASM is a compiler/assembler and monitor(including disassembler) for the Z80 CPU. It runs under Linux (probably also under other UNIX-flavours) and DO$ (DJGPP version 2.03 checked). It's written in C and source-code availible!Each Z80-ASM package...

File::LockDir is a Perl basic filename-level lock utility.SYNOPSIS use File::LockDir;INTERFACEnewInitializes the class. Returns the singleton object.nflock($file, $nap_till, $locker, $lockhost)Locks the supplied filename. Only $file is required.$file...


Octave 2.0.17

GNU Octave project is a high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations. It provides a convenient command line interface for solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically, and for performing other numerical experiments using a...

MySQL Connector/ODBC

MySQL Connector/ODBC 3.51.26 / 5.1.5

MySQL Connector/ODBC project is an ODBC driver for the MySQL database server.MySQL is a multithreaded, multi-user SQL database management system (DBMS) which has, according to MySQL AB, more than 10 million installations.MySQL is owned and sponsored by a...


GoinEdit 1.4

GoinEdit is an easy to use and powerful IDE(Integrated Development Environment) to write compile & execute your softwares.It allow users to use every programming languages, in fact, it use a script to compile execute and debug your software for every...