Open source REALbasic classes that hook into the powerful cross platform FMOD Ex audio library by Firelight Technologies Pty, Ltd. Features include advanced playback options for a wide range of audio formats, 3D audio, multichannel and surround sound...

Mouse Overlord provides global methods to control and capture the mouse cursor, giving applications exclusive access to raw mouse events. The event handlers report state changes for all available mouse buttons, X/Y movement deltas, and X/Y scroll-wheel...

PNG Utilities is an open source plugin for REALbasic that allows developers to easily load and save PNG format images with or without transparency information. Methods are also provided to deal with strings of binary PNG data, which is ideal when storing...

ZZip Utilities is an open source plugin for REALbasic that provides a simple interface to extract file data from standard zip archives. Great for bundling an application's or game's external data files into neat and optionally compressed packages. ZZip...