Image Recognition Library is a component with a purpose to provide image recognition functionality, that is compare two pictures if they are the same or similar or find a smaller picture in a bigger picture.Features where extract, relative ARGB and AHSL...

About dialog form with license text and splash screen component. Features: Splash mode or About mode with license text, Alpha blended close, Background picture logo, Displays links 3-3 with copyright and "Registered to..." message.You can use this...

A Delphi component for use in Win32 software.Main aim is simplicity, it's not for a hardcore program protection. On the contrary, it's for convinience. To display the user's name in dialogs, etc. You put it on the form and have a component that handles...

There are three ways to use this component. TSampleDisplay3D for Delphi, an ActiveX version and Sample Display 3D Library for any developer environment (under development). The most you get is from the Delphi version, you can access all the underlying...



A component for use in Win32 and Win64 with BASS for purpose to provide 3D audio FFT spectrum display for audio streams. All on a powerfull and compact DirectX9 3D surface, that you have full access to. This is a component that you put on a form, and have...

A component for use in Win32 and Win64 with BASS for purpose to provide 3D audio FFT spectrum display for audio streams. All on a powerfull and compact DirectX9 3D surface, that you have full access to. This is a component that you put on a form, and have...