Universal Radio is not like other online radio widgets, as it not only plays commercial free radio based on the type of genres but most importantly of all, it displays the track title playing live on the radio station. Universal Radio has a sleek design...

Searches the Ultimate Shop Directory at www.ultimateshop.us. This version is the first release on CNET Download.com.What is new in this release:This version is the first release on CNET Download.com.Requirements:Windows 2000/XP, Yahoo Widgets...

The Ifbyphone-reminder widget lets you schedule reminder telephone calls. Set a date, time, and reminder message and the ifbyphone system calls you at the designated time and reads you the message. This version is the first release on CNET...

This is the first Slide Rule widget ever created. It contains four different types of slide rules and a tutorial for each. It also contains a history of slide rules. Slide Rule contains a plethora of features, some never seen before in this type of...

Meetees.com presents the T-Shirt Search Bar widget. Search thousands of T-shirts and find the coolest T-shirts on the Internet. Thousands of designs from thousands of designers. This version is the first release on CNET Download.com.What is new in this...