Use Sticky Notes 1.0 to create notes right on your Windows desktop. Pin them on top of other windows if you need to keep them visible at all times. If they get in your way, you can minimize, un-pin or roll them up into a narrow strip so you can continue...

The Super Bowl is the annual championship game of the National Football League (NFL) and having such an honorable game in United States is a beal deal. People are crazy to have something of super bowl everywhere they go and you got a chance to show your...

Here is a TabBar Icons For Mobile Apps, which will help each iPhone or iPad application developer make high resolution GUI for Retina displays. The icons from this set can be used in navigation, tab bars and toolbars, as they specifically meet the icon...

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Taskbar Timer is a simple countdown alarm that nicely sits in you system tray. The timer can be configured via command line parameters which makes it very convenient to create shortcuts for default timing tasks such as "coffee is ready", "water...

Tea Timer NG

Tea Timer NG 4.1.19S

Tea-Timer NG :: an easy-to-use timer! With this online tea timer you will not miss your tea break. Never again drink cold and bitter tea... -- It's tea time ! -- :: Needless to say, you could use the teatimer as egg-timer, kitchen timer, oven timer,...

Tea-Timer-Online / Tee-Timer-Online so that the tea succeeds at the PC workplace, too! ------- Advantage of the used applet technology in relation to the already existing programs of this kind is the serviceability WITHOUT INSTALLATION, WORLDWIDE ON EACH...