Get more Game Widgets for your Mac OS X Dashboard - Enjoy classic arcade games, puzzles, get Game cheats and walkthroughs or just get Game News for your Mac OS X Desktop, Dashboard, iPad, iPhone or iPod.What is new in this release:New Widget...

With his passion for high-tech toolmaking in the service of creativity, Bob Moog is something of a patron saint of the nerdy arts and a hero to many of us here. So from now on, you'll find an interactive, playable Mac OS X Dashboard Widget, inspired by...

Step Seq

Step Seq 1.0

Step Seq is a new Unity3D Game that will give you the opportunity to do something new and fun. Create music using this magical pad that makes everything soung amazing! Show off your musical skills and create your own composition, save them and play them...


FlipClock 2.0

This Flip Clock is an electromechanical, digital time keeping device with the time indicated by numbers that are sequentially revealed by a split flap display. Get this retro style flip clock widget with smooth animation for your Mac OS X Dashboard...


@AppStore 1.0

Now you can follow the official Mac App Store tweet right from your Mac OS X Dashboard. Get hot app news, brand new releases, top featured apps, exclusive offers, updates, upgrades and much much...

With this amazing GameClassic Widget you can play old school classic arcade games like Donkey Kong, Super Mario, Mario Adventure, Asteroids, Space Invaders, Phoenix, 1493 or Frogger right in your Mac OS X Dashboard.What is new in this release:Change...


BigBen 1.0

Big Ben - Have a little bit of Great Britain. Get the world's most famous clock, one of the world's most famous tourist attractions and one of London's most famous landmarks right in to your Mac OS X...

Here is your one-stop Dashboard Widget to search, find and enjoy thousands of Mac OS X Dashboard Widgets, most of them free. Customize your Dashboard by adding, playing, using, moving, looking, reading, or watching these awesome developed mini...